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Musings, resources, tips, & Be Bold updates


Composting Season

Dear Reader,

Spring came and went. Summer slipped into Fall. And now the Earth approaches completion of her revolution around the Sun. I feel as though my roots have hardened in the past 3 seasons. This season, I am composting; metabolizing insights from 6 years operating Be Bold Services and 37 journeys around the sun. I am letting go of contracts, spaces, and activities that do not soothe or nurture me. It is a delicate, tumultuous, and uncertain time for myself and much of the Living World.

I am afraid for our future and I refuse to be quiet about it. I have so much fight in me, so much desire to change, and yet I feel more disconnected than ever. For the first time in a long time (since maybe when I still worked a 9-5), I don't really know what comes next. I imagine much of you feel this way -- maybe in your own lives, or as you contend with the present state of the world.

Everywhere I turn I see the impacts of colonization, climate collapse, and fascism. It is inescapable. Even in my search for joy I find the threads of colonial thinking; bigger is better, domination over living things, mechanization of everything, spreading even into the sacred spaces of my life. I won't waste my breath naming all the ways the United States government continues to undermine and fail the American people (and pretty much the entire Living World).

"The very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being." - Toni Morrison.

One of the hardest lessons I am learning this year, is the extent to which systems of

oppression rob us of our humanity. I immediately think of the words of the late, great author, Toni Morrison, who famously said, "The very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being." This quote always hits. Especially because it's not just racism but sexism, classism, and all other oppressive thought systems that prevent us from dreaming and experiencing the highest expression of ourselves.

Case in point - when I started sustainability work I wasn't focused on equity at all. I was actually very excited about land use and climate adaptation. But being the only Black person in the room meant that over and over again I had to be the voice of the voiceless. When I started my own business, I was rarely ever awarded technical sustainability projects. But as soon as I positioned myself as an equitable decarbonization practitioner, doors opened.

As I enter 7 years in the game, I am both at a loss for the inability of the sustainability profession to catapult leaders into meaningful change and frustrated that I also lost a part of myself in that work. There were so many dreams I had and so many things I wanted to do. But somehow, I always come back to equity work.

"We must hold fast to our dreams so that when we achieve justice, there are still parts of our true self intact."

And yet still, as agonizing as this all seems, I choose to continue my equity work because it is no longer an ethical initiative but an existential imperative. And we must all continue the work by showing up with deep intention; disrupting, re-imagining and co-creating the future we know is possible. And perhaps most importantly (and counterintuitively), we must hold fast to our dreams so that when we achieve justice, there are still parts of our true self intact.

Until that day comes, I am composting my fears, hopes, and losses into a new dream for myself and a new vision for the world. In this ever-renewing process, I strive to be adaptable, deliberate, and sincere in each moment. But mostly that means I feel messy, overwhelmed, and vulnerable. But I find comfort in knowing that huge leaps in social progress have historically been preceded by sustained conflict, rising social divisiveness, and disparity. In fact one of the things I observe in my coaching and organizational change work, is that things often get messy right before systems begin to collapse (or shift).

I also find comfort in remembering that I am not, and never will be alone in this battle. If anything, more and more people are waking up. Most importantly, I remember that humanity has been here before. My ancestors have been here before. Resilience, justice, and steadfastness are in my blood, and yours too. I pray that our dreams for ourselves and the world become like Earthworms capable of composting the devastation and disparity into something of substance; something fertile enough for new dreams and new ways of living, working, and leading to grow. So compost what does not serve you my friends, and hold fast to hope-- peace, prosperity and justice are on the way. Happy Solstice, and peace to you & yours in the New Year!

Alexis Goggans, PCC

Founder & President, Be Bold Services

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Be Bold Updates

  • I am open to new engagements in 2025! I have 5 coaching spots and space for 1 organizational development contract opening up in Q1 of 2025. I am especially keen on working with organizations who chose to double

    down on their bold and equitable social impact agendas in 2025. Please schedule a discovery call or a connection call if there is an opportunity to partner.

  • I am now offering a NEW Personal Quest for former clients ready to step into their personal power and purpose in 2025. The package includes quarterly coaching calls, an Intention & Life Planning Session, access to text support, and free access to Radicle Wellness experiences. You'll develop a Personal Manual with strategies, practices, & tools that will help you break free from social conditioning & amplify the strengths that make you unique. Apply by January 7th for consideration.

  • I have completed my work to support WildSeed Society in building systems to operationalize their radical economics and community organizing work. If you are looking for an organization building portals to a future where everyone gets free and our needs can be met with dignity and joy, then please visit their website and join their Mighty Networks Community. They are truly doing incredible work!

  • I just soft launched Radicale Wellness, which will serve as a container to nourish my nutrition and herbalism work while I finish the last year of my M.S. in Clinical Nutrition, Herbalism, & Integrative Health. I will be offering chill, free and low-cost wellness experiences to other social impact professionals working to address the polycrisis. In transparency, this work not only fuels my soul but also provides me another opportunity to make a livelihood while equity continues to come under attack.

  • I am heading out on my annual, Winter Solstice break from December 18th until January 6, 2025. During my time off I will be re-joining my Ananda Village meditation community for regular practice and study of Vedic scriptures. I will also be getting in some winter hikes, reading as much as possible, and diving deeper into two courses. Mostly, I will be taking time to unwind and shift into my personal power. 2024 was a difficult year on so many levels. I am grateful for the opportunity to rest and grow.

Community (Mycelium) Corner I didn't start Be Bold simply to work on social impact projects. Nurturing an ecosystem of change agents has always been a source of enjoyment and a part of my theory of change.

The idea of an individual self is a myth- from the human microbiome, to the communities, people, and places that shape us; we are all connected! In that spirit, I hope you will consider connecting with some of these folks doing terrific work in the social impact ecosystem. And don't forget to email me if you have an event, tool, offering or other social impact opportunity to share with the community!

  • Leadership Coach, Jeremy Blanchard, launched his podcast Wider Roots earlier this year. Wider Roots brings together wisdom teachers, coaches, and leaders who are wrestling with questions about how to bridge personal and systemic transformation. We recommend checking out an episode or two! I have flagged the latest episode on Building Businesses that Resist Capitalism for some Winter Solstice listening.

  • Fellow Coach Alexis Flanagan is offering an Intro to Ancestral Coaching Class entitled, Roots to Purpose: your story, your path on January 2nd at 8:00 pm ET. This workshop provides space to practice storytelling, deepen your sense of belonging, and ignite the journey toward discovering your purpose. Additional session dates offered in 2025.

  • Fellow coach, Meena Malik, is hosting free Sound Healing Meditations on select Fridays in 2025. They are a meditative treat, and I highly encourage focus in need of some attunement and relaxation to join. It is a healing experience!

  • The Institute for Coaching Excellence is accepting students for our 7th Life, Leadership, & Executive Coaching Training Program. This year we will offer two new programs; a Level 1 Program that can be completed online in 3 months and a Self Paced course that can be completed asynchronously. Register by 12/31/2025 to receive $500 off the Level 1 Program and $1,000 off the Level 2 Program. RSVP for an Info Session to start your journey.

  • The Black Feminists Project is hosting another conference titled, Get Free: A Black Feminist Reunion from June 5th to 7th in New Orleans. As some of you know, I only promote events that have COVID safe policies and am THRILLED to even consider the prospect of going this year. If you are a Black femme in my Network, let me know if you end up going! Be Bold is a proud member of the Black Feminist Project.

  • Collaborative governance thinker, Ted Rau, is offering a free 90 minute course on Sociocracy. I started reading his book, Collective Power, and have nothing but positive things to say about his approach to collaborative governance. Please consider flagging this training for later or giving it a go!

What I'm Reading, Watching, & Listening

  • A Year of Ongoing Genocide in Gaza - this podcast is a hard but good primer on the impacts of colonization, militarism, and imperial projects on Gaza. Al-Shabaka Board President Tareq Baconi and Co-Director Yara Hawari reflect on one year since the start of Israel's genocide in Gaza.

  • The Biophilia Hypothesis - this was one of my first essays I put together back in 2017 when I thought I wanted to be a writer. It explores prevailing theories and research on the undeniable connection between humans and the Living World. This is a great read for sustainability folks working in the built environment and those with a passion for conservation, progressive land use policies, and human health.

  • Forest Keepers: Arhuaco balance modern and ancient ways-photo essay. Even in our hyper-connected, always on world, it is easy to feel disconnected from traditional practices, communities, and the land they call home. I invite you to take a moment and check out this photo essay on Arhuaco practices to protect wildlands, preserve their culture, and find agency in an increasingly volatile social-political climate.

  • I recently posted on LinkedIn about this article from oceanographic entitled, Plankton may not survive global warming with "devastating" effects. Just as you may know, it's more doom and gloom about fragile and critical ocean ecosystems. Our planet and many ecological systems are on the brink. What's worse is that most of our climate projections are turning out to be too conservative. Prayers and positivity to all the plankton out there.

  • How to Start a Mutual Aide Network - If you feel called to show up in solidarity with your fellow humans take a minute to learn about the power of mutual aide (not charity). This website includes a primer on mutual aid. It also has a TON of useful information on taxes and getting organized. 10 out of 10 recommend!

  • What Local Texans Pay to Subsidize New Gas Terminals: $4 Million Per Job - this is a great article by Mother Jones discussing the negative net economic impacts of subsidizing fossil fuel developments. If you follow me on LinkedIn you know that I constantly rant about how tax payer dollars are wasted luring private companies and development projects to struggling cities. It's a hard no from me.

Creation Corner

Winter is always a time for me to think about food and the Earth. While my creative energies are slowing, I still strive to bring creativity and beauty to my work. Below is a creative final project I did for one of my courses. You can also view the accompanying essay here. Title: “Night & Day” Artist: Alexis Goggans, PCC

Medium: Digital editing on Canva using an open-source elements search


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Toni Goggans
Toni Goggans
Dec 19, 2024

Thank you for always sharing from both your heart and you head. I love your concept of composing as it applies to using our personal experiences as learnings and vision fuel. Much gratitude for the helpful resources!

Dec 19, 2024
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Thank you for your support and love mom!

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